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Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Town Name

This has probably been bothering everyone: why does the town we all use have no name?

We need to come up with one fast. In the comments just post a suggestion, then everyone can agree, disagree, or suggest their own ideas. We need a town name fast!


  1. Town Name: Exodus
    Reasoning: “The book tells how the children of Israel leave slavery in Egypt through the strength of Yahweh, the god who has chosen Israel as his people. Led by their prophet Moses they journey through the wilderness to Mount Sinai, where Yahweh promises them the land of Canaan (the "Promised Land") in return for their faithfulness” (Wikipedia). The name Exodus correctly describes how the starving survivors of Fort “Oh !@#$ I’m Scared” (I don’t remember exactly what it was called), found the “promise land”. By the strength of starvation and terror (of nam’s rocket launcher), we were able to find a home.

  2. Town Name: The Center
    Reasoning: We are the center of civilization. The Moon and Sun revolve around us and our strive for... fun? power? moneys? birthday s**?

  3. Town Name: Blockhold

    If you think about it, our town survived a lot of S@$#, and that would lend to the name Blockhold working. We survived a civil war and re-emerged in unity. The Fisherman stood calmly as his house was burned down. Twice. We have a big455 castle overlooking our town (It's supposed to be the military base, but Viet took it), lending even more credit to Blockhold as a town name (Look at how many towns that have "hold" in their names, then look at how many have castles). Block is obvious. If you don't understand the logic, THEN GTCO! I propose we call our nation The Democracy of Fortitude, or just Fortitude for short, for the first reason listed above, and make Blockhold its capital.

    Tell me what you guys think. If it can be improved tell Nam.

    1. After reading Pat's comment I got the best idea for the town name: Cat Town

      Reasoning: We use the word cat a lot in our speech.


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