Server Status


Friday, June 1, 2012

Server Plugin List (Updated)

Hi guys so to keep everyone in the loop of what plugins are running and what features are part of the server, I'm posting a list of all the plugins in use as of now. Once again, if anyone would like a plugin added, just comment below.

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Server Computer

Okay so right now the server is running Bukkit with Spout using 1.2.5 R2.0. That's all fine and dandy, but for some reason it won't run on the normal server computer. Until I can find a solution, the server will be running on the alternate computer. Sorry about the inconvenience, and I also apologize about the lag increase now.

[Bukkit] Planned Changes

Okay, its really late... and Nam would like me to inform you guys of a few server changes.  Information after the page break.

Apple Bloom
Graphic Dev. & Stone Road Technician.